How to Wall Mount your TV

Wall mounting your TV is a great way to save space and create a more sleek and modern look.

How to Wall Mount your TV

Wall mounting your TV is a great way to save space in your home and give your viewing experience a more immersive feel. But before you start drilling holes, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. 

We'll walk you through the process step-by-step so that you can get it right the first time.

The Benefits of Mounting your TV

First and foremost, wall mounting your TV frees up a lot of space. If you have a small living room or home theater, space is probably at a premium. By mounting your TV on the wall, you'll free up valuable floor space that can be used for other purposes, such as seating or storage.

Another big benefit of wall mounting your TV is improved ergonomics. When you mount your TV at the proper height, it will be much easier on your neck and eyes when watching for long periods of time. This is especially important if you have young children in the house who will be spending a lot of time in front of the TV.

Finally, wall mounting your TV can also improve its overall performance. When a TV is sitting on a stand or table, it can often vibrate slightly, which can impact picture quality. By mounting it securely to the wall, you reduce the vibrations that can impact viewing quality.

Choosing the Right Wall Mount for You

When it comes to wall mounting your TV, there are a few things you need to take into account in order to choose the right wall mount for you. 

Here are a few tips:

  • First, determine where you want to mount your TV. This will help you narrow down the type of mount you need.
  • Next, measure your TV. You'll need to know the width, height, and depth of your TV in order to choose a mount that can accommodate it.
  • Once you have those measurements, you can start shopping around for a mount that will work for you. There are fixed mounts, tilt mounts, full-motion mounts, and more.
  • Take into account any other factors that might come into play when choosing a mount, such as cord management or whether you want to be able to swivel your TV.
  • Finally, make sure to follow the instructions that come with your chosen mount carefully in order to ensure a proper and safe installation.

Tools you Will Need for TV Mounting

You will need a few tools for wall mounting your TV. 

  • A stud finder will help you locate the studs in your wall so that you know where to drill. 
  • A power drill will be necessary for drilling holes into the wall. 
  • Wall anchors and screws will be used to secure the TV mount to the wall. 
  • Finally, you will need a level to make sure your TV is mounted straight.

Deciding Location and Height for your Mounted TV

When it comes to wall mounting your TV, one of the most important decisions is choosing the right location and height for the mount.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision:
  1. The ideal viewing height for a TV is eye level, or slightly below. This ensures that you won’t have to strain your neck to see the screen.
  1. If you plan on using your TV for gaming or other activities that require looking down at the screen, you may want to mount it slightly higher than eye level.
  1. Keep in mind any furniture that will be in front of or below the TV. You don’t want viewers to have to look through a coffee table or over a couch to see the screen.
  1. The best way to determine the ideal location and height for your mounted TV is to experiment! Try out a few different positions and heights until you find the perfect spot.

How to Find the Studs in your Walls

One of the most important things to consider when wall mounting your TV is finding the studs in your walls. This will ensure that your TV is properly mounted and secure. 

There are a few different ways that you can find the studs in your walls:

- Purchase a stud finder: A stud finder is a tool that uses magnets to locate the nails or screws in your wall that indicate where the studs are located.

- Look for signs of nails or screws: Another way to find the studs in your wall is to look for signs of nails or screws. This may require getting down on your hands and knees to really look closely at the wall.

- Use a tape measure: Measure 16 inches from either side of an outlet, light switch, or door frame and mark the spot with a pencil. Then, use a level to draw a line between the two marks. The studs should be located along this line.

Once you have found the studs in your walls, you can then proceed with wall mounting your TV.

Steps on How to Mount your TV

Once you have found your studs…

  1. It's time to drill pilot holes into the studs. 

The size of the drill bit will depend on the size of the screws you're using. 

  1. Once you've drilled the pilot holes, insert the wall anchors.
  1. Now it's time to screw in the mounting bracket. 

Start by screwing in the top two screws, making sure that the bracket is level. 

  1. Then screw in the bottom two screws.
  1. Finally, hang your TV on the bracket and secure it with the provided bolts or screws. 
  1. Make sure that your TV is secure and won't fall off the bracket. 

And that's it! 

You've now successfully mounted your TV on the wall.

Safety Precautions for Mounting TV

When it comes to wall mounting your TV, safety should be your number one priority. 

Here are a few safety precautions to keep in mind:

1. Make sure your TV is the appropriate size and weight for the mount you're using.

2. Always use a level when mounting your TV to the wall. This will help ensure that your TV is properly aligned and won't end up crooked.

3. Use proper screws and anchors when attaching the mount to the wall. This will help ensure that the mount is securely attached and won't come loose over time.

4. Be careful when running cables behind your TV. Make sure they're not pinched or damaged in any way.

5. If you have young children or pets, consider using a child-proofing kit to secure your TV to the wall. This will help prevent accidents and protect your investment.

Wall mounting your TV is a great way to save space and create a more sleek and modern look. With a few simple tools and some careful planning, you can easily mount your TV on the wall in no time. Use our tips to make sure your TV is mounted safely and securely so you can enjoy it for years to come.

Looking to Hire a Professional to Mount your TV?

Hiring a professional to mount your TV is always the best option and Quick makes it easy to get matched with local professionals that will get the job done efficiently.. 

Not only will they have the proper equipment and skills to do the job safely, but they will also be able to ensure that your TV is mounted correctly and securely. 

While it may seem like a daunting task, mounting a TV is actually quite simple when you have the right tools and know-how. 

So, if you're not confident in your own abilities, or just don't want to take on the task yourself, visit to submit your service request and a Quick Pro will take care of you!